Appendixes A-D are included below along with Appendix E.
Appendix A. OJS Batch Loading Scripts
-- --
# Create a Collection given a name and a collection handle.
# Gets information from DSpace web pages and returns data via GET parameters to the DSpace
# Collection Wizard.
# Login to DSpace and create the cookie.txt file.
curl -k -L -s $URL/password-login -d "login_email=[name removed]" -d "login_password=XXXXX" -c cookie.txt > /dev/null
# Cut the community_id out of the web page.
COMMUNITY_ID=`curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
| grep -m1 name=\"community_id\" \
| cut -d\" -f6`
# Cut the collection_id out of the web page.
COLLECTION_ID=`curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/tools/collection-wizard \
-d "community_id=$COMMUNITY_ID" \
| grep -m1 name=\"collection_id\" \
| cut -d\" -f6`
# Begin building the collection.
curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/tools/collection-wizard \
-d "public_read=true" \
-d "workflow1=true" \
-d "workflow2=" \
-d "workflow3=" \
-d "collection_id=$COLLECTION_ID" \
-d "default-item=" \
-d "stage=1" \
-d "admins=" > /dev/null
# Finish making the collection.
curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/tools/collection-wizard \
-F "name=$NAME" \
-F "short_description=" \
-F "introductory_text=" \
-F "copyright_text=" \
-F "side_bar_text=" \
-F "provenance_description=" \
-F "license=" \
-F "file=" \
-F "collection_id=$COLLECTION_ID" \
-F "stage=2" \
-F "permission=12" > /dev/null
# Get and return the handle_id.
HANDLE_ID=`curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
| grep -m1 "$NAME_PAT" \
| cut -d\" -f2`
-- --
# Routine to clean up individual fields.
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Read the file of issue names into an array.
$linenum = 0;
$COMMUNITY = "686";
# For each issue get the parameters from the array and call the script to create the collection.
while ($linenum <= $#lines) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$linenum]);
$issue = $fields[1];
system("echo -n $fields[0] ");
print " ";
system("./ $issue $COMMUNITY");
-- Sample of the file of issue names --
V074N2 "Ohio Journal of Science: Volume 74, Issue 2 (March, 1974)"
V074N3 "Ohio Journal of Science: Volume 74, Issue 3 (May, 1974)"
V074N4 "Ohio Journal of Science: Volume 74, Issue 4 (July, 1974)"
V074N5 "Ohio Journal of Science: Volume 74, Issue 5 (September, 1974)"
-- --
use Encode; # Routines for UTF encoding.
# Routine to clean up individual fields of metadata.
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Read the metadata into an array.
open(fh,"<:encoding(UTF-16)", "OJSPhase2-1.txt");
# Process each line of metadata, consolidating lines for the same item.
$linenum = 0;
while ($linenum <= $#lines) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$linenum]);
if ($fields[0] =~ /^((v|V)[0-9]+(n|N)[0-9A-Za-z]+)/) {
$lt{uc($1)} = [@{$lt{uc($1)}}, $linenum];
# Build the load set for each item.
for $key (sort(keys(%lt))) {
# Put each load set in its own subdirectory.
print "mkdir ./src/$key\n";
system "mkdir ./src/$key";
# Process the lines for this load set.
for $i (0 .. $#{$lt{$key}}) {
$dir = sprintf("item_%03d", $i);
print "mkdir ./src/$key/$dir\n";
system "mkdir ./src/$key/$dir";
# Create the XML for the metadata.
open(fh,">:encoding(UTF-8)", "./src/$key/$dir/dublin_core.xml");
print fh '<dublin_core>'."\n";
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$lt{$key}[$i]]);
$fields[1] =~ s/"//g;
$fields[5] =~ s/"//g;
if (length($fields[9])>0) {
print fh '<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="citation">'
. "$fields[1]. v$fields[3], n$fields[4] ($fields[5]), $fields[8]-$fields[9]</dcvalue>\n";
} else {
print fh '<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="citation">'
."$fields[1]. v$fields[3], n$fields[4] ($fields[5]), $fields[8]</dcvalue>\n";
if (length($fields[10]) > 0) {
$fields[10] =~ s/["]{1}([^"])/$1/g;
$fields[10] =~ s/("|"")$//g;
print fh '<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="">'.$fields[10]."</dcvalue>\n";
print fh '<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="issn">'.$fields[2]."</dcvalue>\n";
print fh '<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">'.$fields[6]."-".$fields[7]."</dcvalue>\n";
# Process multiple authors.
if (length($fields[11]) > 0) {
$fields[11] =~ s/"//g;
@authors = split(/;/,$fields[11]);
foreach $author (@authors) {
$author =~ s/^\s+//;
if (length($author) > 0) {
print fh '<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="">'.$author.'</dcvalue>'."\n";
if (length($fields[12]) > 0) {
$fields[12] =~ s/"//g;
print fh '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="">Author Institution: '.$fields[12]."</dcvalue>\n";
if (length($fields[13]) > 0) {
$fields[13] =~ s/"//g;
print fh '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="abstract">'.$fields[13]."</dcvalue>\n";
print fh "</dublin_core>\n";
close(fh); # Finished creating the XML file.
# Create the contents file.
open(fh, ">./src/$key/$dir/contents");
$fields[0] = trim($fields[0]);
print fh "$fields[0].pdf\n";
# Move the data files into the load set.
print "cp pdfs/$fields[0] ./src/$key/$dir\n";
system "cp pdfs/$fields[0].pdf ./src/$key/$dir";
-- --
#Load the list of issues into an array.
# Process each issue.
$linenum = 0;
while ($linenum <= $#lines) {
@fields = split(/ /, $lines[$linenum]);
# Add the issue to DSpace.
system("./ $fields[1] $fields[0]");
-- Sample of the load items file --
V074N2 1811/22016
V074N3 1811/22017
V074N4 1811/22018
V074N5 1811/22019
-- --
# collection_id dir
# Import a collection from files generated on dspace
# Requires the directory of the destination collection and the collection id.
EPERSON=[name removed]
/dspace/bin/dsrun --add --eperson=$EPERSON
--collection=$COLLECTION_ID --source=$SOURCE_DIR --mapfile=$MAPFILE
-- --
# Routine to clean up individual fields.
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Read the metadata into an array.
open(fh,"<:encoding(UTF-16)", "OJSPhase2-1.txt")
or die "Can't open metadata file: $!";
# Process each line of metadata, consolidating lines for the same item.
$linenum = 0;
while ($linenum <= $#lines) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$linenum]);
if ($fields[0] =~ /^((v|V)[0-9]+(n|N)[0-9A-Za-z]+)/) {
$lt{uc($1)} = [@{$lt{uc($1)}}, $linenum];
# Assemble each intro.
for $key (sort(keys(%lt))) {
open(fh,"./prod-map/map.$key") or next;
@fids = sort(@fids);
print "Generating intro for $key ...\n";
open(fh,">:encoding(UTF-8)", "./src/$key/intro");
# Create the HTML for each article.
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$lt{$key}}; $i++) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$lt{$key}[$i]]);
if (length($fields[10]) > 0) {
$fields[10] =~ s/["]{1}([^"])/$1/g;
$fields[10] =~ s/("|"")$//g;
print fh "<strong>$fields[10]</strong><br>\n";
# Create the list of authors.
$authcnt = 0;
if (length($fields[11]) > 0) {
$fields[11] =~ s/"//g;
@authors = split(/;/,$fields[11]);
foreach $author (@authors) {
$author =~ s/^\s+//;
if ($authcnt > 0) {
print fh "; $author";
} else {
print fh $author;
# Add page numbers.
if (length($fields[8]) > 0) {
print fh " pp. $fields[8]";
if (length($fields[9]) > 0) {
print fh "-$fields[9]";
print fh "<br>\n";
# Create links for each article.
@item_hid = split(/\s/,$fids[$i]);
$itemno = $item_hid[0];
$itemhid = $item_hid[1];
$fields[0] = trim($fields[0]);
$filename = "./src/$key/$itemno/".$fields[0].".pdf";
@st = stat($filename) or die "No $filename: $!";
$size = int($st[7]/1024);
$url_1 = "/dspace/handle/$itemhid";
$url_2 = "/dspace/bitstream/$itemhid/1/$fields[0]";
print fh '<a href="'.$url_1.'">Article description</a> | <a href="'.$url_2.'">Article Full Text PDF ('.$size.'KB)</a><br><br>';
print fh "\n";
-- --
# Install an intro given a dir and a community id.
# Login to DSpace
curl -k -L -s $URL/password-login -d "login_email=[name removed]" -d "login_password=password" -c cookie.txt > /dev/null
# Cut the community_id out of the web page.
COMMUNITY_ID=`curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/handle/$HANDLE \
| grep -m1 name=\"community_id\" \
| cut -d\" -f6`
# Cut the collection_id out of the web page.
COLLECTION_ID=`curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/handle/$HANDLE \
| grep -m1 name=\"collection_id\" \
| cut -d\" -f6`
# Cut the title out of the web page.
TITLE=`curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/tools/edit-communities \
-d "community_id=$COMMUNITY_ID" \
-d "collection_id=$COLLECTION_ID" \
-d "action=4" \
| grep -m1 name=\"name\" \
| cut -d\" -f6`
# Put the introductory text in DSpace.
curl -k -L -s -b cookie.txt \
$URL/tools/edit-communities \
-d "name=$TITLE" \
-d "short_description=" \
-d "introductory_text=`cat ./src/$DIR/intro`" \
-d "copyright_text=" \
-d "side_bar_text=" \
-d "license=" \
-d "provenance_description=" \
-d "community_id=$COMMUNITY_ID" \
-d "collection_id=$COLLECTION_ID" \
-d "create=false" \
-d "action=9" \
-d "submit=Update" > /dev/null
-- --
# Load file of issues into an array.
$linenum = 0;
# Process each intro.
while ($linenum <= $#lines) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$linenum]);
system("./ $lines[$linenum] ");
Appendix B. MSS Phase Two Scripts
-- --
# Load routines for UTF-16 and UTF-8
use Encode;
# Routine to clean up metadata fields
sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
$string =~ s/^"//;
$string =~ s/"$//;
return $string;
# Load metadata into an array.
open(fh,"<:encoding(UTF-16)", "MSA-phase-2-v3.txt");
$linenum = 0;
# Split tab separated metadata fields
while ($linenum <= $#lines) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$linenum]);
if ($fields[4] =~ /^([0-9]{4}-[^0-9]+[0-9]+)/) {
$lt{$1} = [@{$lt{$1}}, $linenum];
$cnt1 = 0; $cnt2 = 0; $cnt3 = 0; $cnt4 = 0; $cnt5 = 0; $cnt6 = 0;
# Process metadata line by line
for $key (sort(keys(%lt))) {
$year = substr($key, 0, 4);
# Generate possible image file names.
$keyzero = substr($key,0,-1). "0" . substr($key, -1, 1);
$keyuc = uc($key);
$keyuczero = uc($keyzero);
# Compensate for inconsistent naming of images in metadata.
if (-e "../images/$year/$key.jpg") {
$filename = $key;
} elsif (-e "../images/$year/$keyzero.jpg") {
$filename = $keyzero;
} elsif (-e "../images/$year/$keyuc.jpg") {
$filename = $keyuc;
} elsif (-e "../images/$year/$keyuczero.jpg") {
$filename = $keyuczero;
} else {
$filename = "";
print " NO FILE FOUND images/$year/$key.jpg\n";
# Divide output into separate load sets based on year.
if (($year >= "1946") && ($year <= "1959")) {
$dir = sprintf("1/item_%04d", $cnt1++);
if (($year >= "1960") && ($year <= "1969")) {
$dir = sprintf("2/item_%04d", $cnt2++);
if (($year >= "1970") && ($year <= "1979")) {
$dir = sprintf("3/item_%04d", $cnt3++);
if (($year >= "1980") && ($year <= "1989")) {
$dir = sprintf("4/item_%04d", $cnt4++);
if (($year >= "1990") && ($year <= "1999")) {
$dir = sprintf("5/item_%04d", $cnt5++);
if (($year >= "2000") && ($year <= "2100")) {
$dir = sprintf("6/item_%04d", $cnt6++);
# Make a directory for the item.
print "mkdir $dir\n";
system "mkdir $dir";
# Create XML file from metadata
open(fh,">:encoding(UTF-8)", "$dir/dublin_core.xml");
print fh '<dublin_core>'."\n";
print fh '<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="none">'
print fh '<dcvalue element="type" qualifier="none">Article</dcvalue>'."\n";
print fh '<dcvalue element="language" qualifier="iso">en</dcvalue>'."\n";
$affiliation = '';
$affiliation1 = '';
$affiliation2 = '';
# Metadata for items with multiple authors, each
# with individual affiliations, span multiple lines.
# Collect them and produce XML for them.
for $i (0 .. $#{$lt{$key}}) {
@fields = split(/\t/, $lines[$lt{$key}[$i]]);
$title = trim($fields[9]);
if (length($title) > 0) {
$title =~ s/["]{1}([^"])/$1/g;
$title =~ s/("|"")$//g;
print fh '<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="none">'
$year1 = trim($fields[1]);
if (length($year1) > 0) {
print fh '<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">'
$author = trim($fields[5]);
if (length($author) > 0) {
$author =~ s/(\$|\^|\{|\}|\*)//g;
print fh '<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="none">'
$abstract = trim($fields[10]);
if (length($abstract) > 0) {
print fh '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="abstract">'
if (length(trim($fields[6])) > 0) {
$affiliation1 = trim($fields[6]);
if (length(trim($fields[7])) > 0) {
$affiliation2 = trim($fields[7]);
if ((length(trim($fields[6])) > 0)
|| (length(trim($fields[7])) > 0)) {
if ((length(trim($fields[6])) == 0)
&& (length($affiliation1) == 0)) {
$append = $affiliation2;
} elsif ((length(trim($fields[7])) == 0)
&& (length($affiliation2) == 0)) {
$append = $affiliation1;
} else {
$append = $affiliation1.", "
if (length($affiliation) > 0) {
$affiliation = $affiliation.
"; ".$append;
} else {
$affiliation = $append;
$note = trim($fields[11]);
if (length($note) > 0) {
print fh '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="none">'
} # Done processing multiple authors.
# Finish producing the XML for this item.
print fh '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="none">Author Institution: '
print fh '</dublin_core>'."\n";
# Create the 'contents' file.
open(fh, ">$dir/contents");
if ($filename != "") {
print fh "$filename.jpg";
$cmd = "cp \"../images/$year/$filename.jpg\" $dir";
print $cmd."\n";
system $cmd;
} # Finished processing this item.
-- --
# Import a collection from files generated on dspace
EPERSON="[name removed]"
/dspace/bin/dsrun --add --eperson=$EPERSON --collection=$COLLECTION_ID --source=$SOURCE_DIR --mapfile=$MAPFILE
Appendix C. Example dublin_core.xml for MSS 2009
<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="none">2009-MJ-10</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="none">VIBRATIONAL OVERTONE SPECTRA OF $C_2H_6$ AND $C_2H_4$ IN CRYOGENIC LIQUIDS</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">2009</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="abstract">Vibrational overtone spectra of $C_2H_6$ and $C_2H_4$ in cryogenic solutions were recorded between 5000 and 14000 cm$^{-1}$. Spectral regions for the first four overtones were measured using a Fourier transform spectrophotometer. The fifth overtone $(\Delta\nu=6)$ spectra between 15,000 and 16,000 cm$^{-1}$ were recorded with a double beam (pump-probe) thermal lens technique using concentrations as low as 10$^{-3}$ mole fraction. The peak frequency shift $(\Delta\omega)$ from gas phase to solution is explained by the change in harmonic frequency and anharmonicity in solution with respect to the gas phase values. The bandwidth $(\Delta\omega_{1/2})$ of the $(\Delta\nu= 6)$ C-H absorption bands in solution can be explained in terms of collisions with the solvent molecules.</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="none">Author Institution: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 76798</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="type" qualifier="none">Article</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="language" qualifier="iso">en</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="none">Diez-y-Riega, Maria H.</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="none">Manzanares, Carlos E.</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="none">2009-MJ-10</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="none">VIBRATIONAL OVERTONE SPECTRA OF $C_2H_6$ AND $C_2H_4$ IN CRYOGENIC LIQUIDS</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">2009</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="abstract">Vibrational overtone spectra of $C_2H_6$ and $C_2H_4$ in cryogenic solutions were recorded between 5000 and 14000 cm$^{-1}$. Spectral regions for the first four overtones were measured using a Fourier transform spectrophotometer. The fifth overtone $(\Delta\nu=6)$ spectra between 15,000 and 16,000 cm$^{-1}$ were recorded with a double beam (pump-probe) thermal lens technique using concentrations as low as 10$^{-3}$ mole fraction. The peak frequency shift $(\Delta\omega)$ from gas phase to solution is explained by the change in harmonic frequency and anharmonicity in solution with respect to the gas phase values. The bandwidth $(\Delta\omega_{1/2})$ of the $(\Delta\nu= 6)$ C-H absorption bands in solution can be explained in terms of collisions with the solvent molecules.</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="none">Author Institution: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 76798</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="type" qualifier="none">Article</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="language" qualifier="iso">en</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="none">Diez-y-Riega, Maria H.</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="none">Manzanares, Carlos E.</dcvalue>
Appendix D. Section of MSS Author Quality Control Script
-- --
#### Sections omitted ####
#### Begin author correction block ####
$creatorxml = "";
if (length($creators) > 0) {
# Creator name are contaminated with comments.
# Remove the comments.
$creators =~ s/"//g;
$creators =~ s/\\thanks\{.+\}//;
$creators =~ s/\\thanks \{.+\}//;
$creators =~ s/\\footnote\{.+\}//;
# Multiple creators are separated by ';' or AND in the metadata.
@creatorlist = split(/;| and | AND /,$creators);
# Process each creator.
foreach $creator (@creatorlist) {
# Remove per name comments and punctuation.
$creator =~ s/^\s+//;
$creator =~ s/\\underline \{(.+)\}/$1/;
$creator =~ s/\\address\{//;
$creator =~ s/\\//g;
$creator =~ s/\{//g;
$creator =~ s/\}//g;
$creator =~ s/\^//g;
$creator =~ s/\'//g;
$creator =~ s/\%//g;
$creator =~ s/^AND$|^and$//;
if (length($creator) > 0) {
$creator =~ s/\.(\w)/. $1/g;
# Split the name apart on spaces.
@nameparts = split(/ /,$creator);
# Process each part of the name.
for($i = 0;$i <= $#nameparts; $i++) {
# Adjust case.
@nameparts[$i] = lc(@nameparts[$i]);
@nameparts[$i] = ucfirst(@nameparts[$i]);
$c = rindex(@nameparts[$i],"-");
# Uppercase hyphenated names.
if ($c != -1) {
$r = uc(substr(@nameparts[$i],$c+1,1));
$lname = pop(@nameparts);
$nl = @nameparts[-1];
# Handle name prefixes.
if ($nl eq "Von"
|| $nl eq "Vander"
|| $nl eq "Le"
|| $nl eq "De"
|| $nl eq "de") {
$lname = pop(@nameparts)." ".$lname;
# Handle special case name parts
if ($nl eq "Der" ) {
$nl2 = @nameparts[-2];
$lname = pop(@nameparts)." ".$lname;
if ($nl2 eq "Van" ) {
$lname = pop(@nameparts)." ".$lname;
# assemble the name and make the XML.
$name = $lname .", ".join(" ",@nameparts);
$creatorxml .= '<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="">'
.$name.'</dcvalue>'."\n ";
} # Done processing creators of this item.
#### End author correction block ####
#### Sections omitted ####
Appendix E. MSS 2009 Batch Loading Scripts
-- --
use Encode; # Routines for UTF encoding
use Text::xSV; # Routines to process CSV files.
use File::Basename;
# Open and read the comma separated metadata file.
my $csv = new Text::xSV;
#$csv->set_sep(' '); # Use for tab separated files.
$csv->read_header(); # Process the CSV column headers.
# Constants for file and directory names.
$basedir = "/common/batch/input/mss/";
$indir = "$basedir/2009";
$xmldir= "./2009xml";
$imagesubdir= "processed_images";
$filename = "dublin_core.xml";
# Process each line of metadata, one line per item.
$linenum = 1;
while ($csv->get_row()) {
# This divides the item's metadata into fields, each in its own variable.
my (
) = $csv->extract(
$creatorxml = "";
# Multiple creators are separated by ';' in the metadata.
if (length($creators) > 0) {
# Create XML for each creator.
@creatorlist = split(/;/,$creators);
foreach $creator (@creatorlist) {
if (length($creator) > 0) {
$creatorxml .= '<dcvalue element="creator" qualifier="none">'
.$creator.'</dcvalue>'."\n ";
} # Done processing creators for this item.
# Create the XML string for the Abstract.
$abstractxml = "";
if (length($description_abstract) > 0) {
# Convert special metadata characters for use in xml/html.
$description_abstract =~ s/\&/&/g;
$description_abstract =~ s/\>/>/g;
$description_abstract =~ s/\</</g;
# Build the Abstract in XML.
$abstractxml = '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="abstract">'
# Create the XML string for the Description.
$descriptionxml = "";
if (length($description) > 0) {
# Convert special metadata characters for use in xml/html.
$description=~ s/\&/&/g;
$description=~ s/\>/>/g;
$description=~ s/\</</g;
# Build the Description in XML.
$descriptionxml = '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="none">'
# Create the XML string for the Author Institution.
$description2xml = "";
if (length($description2) > 0) {
# Convert special metadata characters for use in xml/html.
$description2=~ s/\&/&/g;
$description2=~ s/\>/>/g;
$description2=~ s/\</</g;
# Build the Author Institution XML.
$description2xml = '<dcvalue element="description" qualifier="none">'
.'Author Institution: ' .$description2.'</dcvalue>';
# Convert special characters in title.
$title=~ s/\&/&/g;
$title=~ s/\>/>/g;
$title=~ s/\</</g;
# Create XML File
$subdir = $xmldir."/".$linenum;
system "mkdir $basedir/$subdir";
open(fh,">:encoding(UTF-8)", "$basedir/$subdir/$filename");
print fh <<"XML";
<dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="none">$identifier</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="title" qualifier="none">$title</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued">$issuedate</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="type" qualifier="none">Article</dcvalue>
<dcvalue element="language" qualifier="iso">en</dcvalue>
# Create contents file and move files to the load set.
# Copy item files into the load set.
if (defined($abstract) && length($abstract) > 0) {
system "cp $indir/$abstract $basedir/$subdir";
$sourcedir = substr($abstract, 0, 5);
if (defined($ppt) && length($ppt) > 0 ) {
system "cp $indir/$sourcedir/$sourcedir/*.* $basedir/$subdir/";
if (defined($gif) && length($gif) > 0 ) {
system "cp $indir/$sourcedir/$imagesubdir/*.* $basedir/$subdir/";
# Make the 'contents' file and fill it with the file names.
system "touch $basedir/$subdir/contents";
if (defined($gif) && length($gif) > 0
&& -d "$indir/$sourcedir/$imagesubdir" ) {
# Sort items in reverse order so they show up right in DSpace.
# This is a hack that depends on how the DB returns items
# in unsorted (physical) order. There are better ways to do this.
system "cd $indir/$sourcedir/$imagesubdir/;"
. " ls *[0-9][0-9].* | sort -r >> $basedir/$subdir/contents";
system "cd $indir/$sourcedir/$imagesubdir/;"
. " ls *[a-zA-Z][0-9].* | sort -r >> $basedir/$subdir/contents";
if (defined($ppt) && length($ppt) > 0
&& -d "$indir/$sourcedir/$sourcedir" ) {
system "cd $indir/$sourcedir/$sourcedir/;"
. " ls *.* >> $basedir/$subdir/contents";
# Put the Abstract in last, so it displays first.
system "cd $basedir/$subdir; basename $abstract >>"
. " $basedir/$subdir/contents";
} # Done processing an item.
-- --
# Import a collection from files generated on dspace
EPERSON=[name removed]
/dspace/bin/dsrun --add --eperson=$EPERSON --collection=$COLLECTION_ID --source=$SOURCE_DIR --mapfile=$MAPFILE